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We assist small business owners with the establishment of profit-sharing and defined benefit plans, as well as combination plans that bring together both options, such as a combination 401(k) and cash balance plan.

The Services we offer include:

Small Business Owners

When we work with small business owners, we provide assistance with 401(k) plans and generally recommend and provide investment management services to trustee-directed plans, rather than participant-directed plans.

In trustee-directed plans, participants’ money in the plan is co-mingled and professionally managed as a whole. The professional management of plan assets often produces better results than can be achieved by plan participants managing their own assets and choosing from the available investment options.

Self-Employed Professionals

In our work with self-employed professionals, we specialize in the establishment and management of combination or hybrid plans. For example, a self-employed professional may be permitted to contribute to both a defined benefit plan, usually a cash balance plan, and a defined contribution plan, usually a 401(k).

In using a combination strategy, self-employed professionals may be able to build a substantial retirement nest egg in a relatively short period of time while significantly reducing their taxable income along the way.